Snapmaker, the people who made my 3D printer/Laser cutter & engraver/CNC carving machine, is conducting a contest for creations using the machine.  I have trouble passing up a contest, especially since I’ve created so many masterpieces.  And the prize is a machine add-on to enable etching on a round surface drinking glass. 

They encouraged submissions that employed recycled material; a natural for my obsession with reusing wooden cigar boxes.  

I have been thinking of creating models of magic stage illusions.  At the top of the list was what is called a “production box”, a box that appears to be empty when examined through the “front” door, but which contains hidden items (like rabbits, women, lions, elephants, …) obtained through the “top” door.  The illusion of emptiness is created using a mirror and judiciously placed objects surrounded by wall and floor coverings using symmetry.  The modern mind, conditioned heavily by vertical and horizontal architectural environments, is easily confused by such images.

So I collected the parts and designed a very effective illusion.  I started with my cigar box collection for the physical sides, top and bottom of my “hide box”.  I paid dearly (about $50) for a quality front surface reflective acrylic mirror.  Obtained a box design from ‘MakerCase’ and used Tinkercad and Inkscape to embellish it.


The Hide Box from the outside back
The Hide Box from the outside showing the 2 doors
Hide Box with doors open

The “floor covering” is a favorite M.C. Escher drawing.  You may be intrigued to ponder that this drawing was made on Christmas 1941.  Considering what was going on politically in his part of the world, we can imagine his thoughts.  This drawing very effectively creates the “back” wall, which is really the floor.

Hide Box with front door open

I believe that the use of horizontal symmetry of selected letters (B C D E H I K O X) to add to the overall illusion is original.  I used the words “HIDE BOX” to accomplish this.  I would have liked to use “OKEECHOBEE OHIO” but couldn’t fix it in.  I also considered using letters with vertical symmetry (A H I M O T U V W X) like MATH and TOY but decided to save those for another project.

The side walls are covered with beautiful Islamic tiling, perfect for the angular symmetry needed.  These tiles I found in Pedralbes Royal Palace, Barcelona Spain.

The ball and small green box are simple additions to further confuse a befuddled mind.

The hidden item I have chosen is a famous world leader, which you may remember, who appears to be very upset with himself.

Hide Box with top door open

Here is a video which will help explain everything …