Tools of the Trade:  Engineering design Items contained in the following image are …

The “TTL Cookbook”, published in 1974, became the standard reference to TTL (transistor-transistor-logic) devices.

A “Drawing Template”, of standard logic symbols, used for schematic drawing of logic designs.

“Protection Tubes”, containing the standard packaging (chips) of integrated circuits.  Depending upon how you interconnect these logic blocks, you can build a computer, a calculator, an electronic music system, a digital voltmeter, a counter, a television terminal readout display, a color-tv dot-bar generator, educational demonstrators, or any of thousands of other possibilities.  While a single “yes-no” decision by itself usually is not too useful, the proper combination of grouped “yes-no” decisions taken together can represent a number, a word, a command, a musical note, a test signal, or practically anything else you might like.


Introduction to Boolean Logic:

The Khan Academy has several lessons providing an excellent introduction:

Logic Gates

Boolean Logic

Wikipedia provides very useful reference:

Boolean Algebra

And many Educational Institutions sources:




Computer Aided Design applications which are “Open Source” (Free and Modifiable):



The following images are from the “TTL Cookbook” of selected TTL circuits.  Each covers essential information you might need to connect or intelligently use the integrated circuit.  The selected operations are those commonly found in Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools for creating solid objects. See: Constructive Solid Design for details.

The AND logical operation, producing what is referred to as an Intersection or a Conjunction and commonly represented by the ampersand symbol (&):


The OR logical operation, producing what is referred to as a Union or a Disjunction and commonly represented by the symbol (v):  


The NOT logical operation, producing what is referred to as a Difference or a Negation or a Inverter and commonly represented by the symbol (- or \):


The XOR logical operation, producing what is referred to as an Exclusive OR:


The NAND logical operation, producing what is referred to as a Not AND:


The NOR logical operation, producing what is referred to as a Not OR:


Boolean Logic use in Everyday activities:

How to get the truth from a chronic lier?  Ask them “What would you say, if I ask you …?”.

In some languages, double negatives cancel one another and produce an affirmative.  Languages without negative concord typically have negative polarity items.  Examples: ”ever”, “anything” and “anyone” in the sentence “I haven’t ever owed anything to anyone” (cf. “I haven’t never owed nothing to no one” in negative-concord dialects of English, and “Nunca devi nada a ninguém” in Portuguese, lit. “Never have I owed nothing to no one”, or “Non ho mai dovuto nulla a nessuno” in Italian). Note that negative polarity can be triggered not only by direct negatives such as “not” or “never”, but also by words such as “doubt” or “hardly” (“I doubt he has ever owed anything to anyone” or “He has hardly ever owed anything to anyone”). In English, double negatives can sometimes be used for affirmation (e.g. “I’m not feeling not good”), an understatement of the positive (“I’m feeling good”). There isn’t no other way.= There’s some other way. Negative: isn’t (is not), no vs.  There isn’t no other way!= There’s some other way!

“I don’t disagree” could mean “I certainly agree”, “I agree”, “I sort of agree”, “I don’t understand your point of view (POV)”, “I have no opinion”.

Whereas some double negatives may resolve to a positive, in some dialects others resolve to intensify the negative clause within a sentence. For example:

  • I didn’t go nowhere today.
  • I’m not hungry no more.
  • You don’t know nothing.
  • There was never no more laziness at work than before.

In contrast, some double negatives become positives:

  • I didn’t not go to the park today.
  • We can’t not go to sleep!

I don’t want to know no more

I’m not doing nothing; I’m thinking.

I did not go nowhere resolves to I went somewhere.

“If you don’t wanna go nowhere…”

“Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges!.”

“I won’t not use no double negatives”

“I ain’t never heard of no licence.”

“Inside toilet? I ain’t never not heard of one of them nor I ain’t nor nothing.”

“We don’t need no education / We don’t need no thought control”

(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction“)

Other languages, doubled negatives intensify the negation – negative concord or emphatic negation

Portuguese, Persian, French, Russian, Spanish, Neapolitan, Italian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Afrikaans, Hebrew, Ukrainian, and some dialects of English, such as African-American Vernacular English, are examples of negative-concord languages

negative-concord languages are more common than those without.

And what about 2 Positives … can they make a Negative? ,,, ?

A English professor was giving a lecture on ‘Double Negatives’ in his class and said, “It is interesting that two negatives make a positive but there are no two positive words that can make a negative in the English language.”

‘Yeah, right.’ A student exclaimed from the back of the class.

